Location: Washington, DC

Former Army Armor Officer, currently an operations management consultant in Metro DC.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

On Polygamy and Modern American Perversions thereto pertaining (Part I):

This past week the terrible Warren Jeffs was finally apprehended in a nation-wide manhunt. Hurray for Justice and all that. I am not particularly concerned with him, he in no way affects my life. Nor do I care beyond the momentary satisfaction of my inner voyeur about his little community of nuts. However, I do care about the context of the discussion that surrounds him.

First, let me point out something, incidental. How is it that this guy's father (whom he succeeded as 'King of the Hill') and community have been around for decades and only NOW seem to have committed some crime? Seriously, does the state of Utah really want us to believe that only now they have something on him? Whatever statutory rape clause that was used to indict him must be seriously missapplied, or something credible needs to explain this lack of the State's interest in the goings on in Colorado City, AZ and Hildale, UT. That being said, I do start to wonder if he did not run afoul of the State in some tax matter that made it take a seriously hard look. In any case, the particulars of this case are wholly irrelevant to my life and well being.

Now, more to the point of interest. Looking at the current media interest in the case, Jeffs is almost invariably described as "the Polygamist." Now, while this may be a statement of fact on paper, one cannot help but notice the tone and usage. It is no different than when the media speaks of "a murderer" or "a gangster." In other words, 'polygamist' is emphasized as the key adjective in understanding why this man was wanted. I find that strange since polygamy tells me nothing except about a particular form of social organization. I understand it is a 'crime,' I admit I do not understand why, but I realize that were he to be punished for that, then labeling him a 'polygamist' would be descriptive. But even now, he isn't charged with anything of the sort. He was arraigned on participation in rape (statutory rape, I presume, but do correct me if I am wrong), flight from prosecution, and arranging an illegal marriage. Nothing about polygamy, yet he is not the "alleged rapist," no, he is "the polygamist." What gives? Where is this natural connection from the definitions of 'polygamy' and 'rape' that I seem to be missing?

This leads us to the heart of the matter. His prosecution, while for real crimes that violate some laws of the State of Utah, is not the matter of interest. After all, not every rapist in the country gets prime-time coverage. The star of the show is the context. It is sensational that he is a polygamist. A creature that practices a tabboo, as a cannibal would. Some unhuman perversion of a life-style that intrigues and yet disgusts. So, that is the real reason we hear about nut-job-messiah-wannabe Jeffs.


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